Online Lectures & Courses
There are a number of websites that provide online education in implementation research. Please see the resources below to learn more about these training opportunities.

This webpage has key resources and an overview of using D&I research. It contains several opportunities for training and continuing education in the field, like online courses and training institutes. Key features include:
This source provides a comprehensive overview of implementation science and is a good starting point for beginners or individuals interested in learning more about this type of research. Key features include:
45-60 minute online modules
Series of interactive online short courses
Implementation support practitioner resources
Resource library with specific guides and video series
The source focuses on sharing resources specific to knowledge translation, determining research quality, and evidence-based resources. It is composed of key papers describing important skills in the field, descriptions of steps in the research process, and information on completing reviews. Key features include:
This resource contains a general overview of implementation science and has a focus on community-based and participatory research tools and training. Key features include:
This website has a focus on the applications of implementation science in global health. There are seven modules organized as toolkits to help one understand the research process in this context. Key features include:
Guide to developing a research proposal
Online module on research methods and data management
Online module on communications and advocacy
The VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative created a Healthcare Implementation Facilitation Training Manual. The manual focuses on evidence-based practices in implementation science and how to bring them to specific research topics. It covers using implementation facilitation with the goal of improving healthcare. Find it and more features below and view the road map to the left:
This website has specific training courses to different components of implementation science, like writing D&I proposals, fidelity & adaptation, sustainability, dissemination strategies, and quality improvement in implementation projects. They are structured as a series of PowerPoints for each topic. Key Features include:
Implementation Science Course training series of videos and presentations
This website shares a list of resources and readings that teach and explain the fundamentals of Implementation Science. The list includes websites, funding resources, and important publications in the field. Key features include:
Resource list of websites, textbooks, and papers